Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year!


This year has been a beautiful one.  I painted.   I made dolls.  I gardened...a lot. So much peace comes from being outside in nature, and it is a big part of  what made the year feel so beautiful. I was outdoors for countless hours creating beds, mowing paths to reduce my lawn, planting seeds and just planting in general.  I put in dozens of trees, shrubs, and flowers.  I even put in a mini orchared with apple trees, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. I studied permaculture and learned about rewilding, trying to apply those practices into my yard.  I cannot wait to see how it all looks next year.  

I put together a a video showing all the art from 2023.  Many of the dolls were actually made in 2022, but I never shared them until this year.  And below is my favorite photo this year from all the ones taken of my garden.

I hope you have a wonderful and Happy New Year!