Monday, October 13, 2014


mixed media on paper
9 x 12 inch

I never did learn to sew very well.  My mother taught me how to hand sew a simple hem.  She actually used to darn socks using a light bulb to stretch them out so that she could mend them.  "Who in the world sews socks???  Why not just buy new ones?"  I once asked her.  "Mothers with six children," was her answer.  "Oh"...said me.

When I was pregnant with my first child, my grandmother, who was a seamstress back in her working days, helped me sew some maternity clothes.  They were corduroy overalls and I loved wearing them even though they made me look like an elephant. They really did...they were gray.

 I never did take to sewing though.

sketchbook sweetie
graphite and colored pencil

The painting was inspired by this sketch in my sweetie book (a tiny moleskin) and a recent conversation with a friend who likes to sew.

Hope you had a great weekend.  Thank you SO much for all your very kind comments on my most recent paintings.

♥ Lisa


  1. It's nice to have an insight into what inspires your beautiful creations.

  2. Fun piece. Her eyes look like she doesn't like to sew. I recognize that look - cause that's how I sew too. lol
    Your work is so wonderful!

  3. That sewing machine rocks. I have sewn for years. And now, my time is spent painting. Wonderful work Lisa.

  4. This is a kick!
    Fun and really well painted. The concept, patterns and colors are great, Lisa.

    I used to sew most of my clothes ,out of necessity, when I was a teenager and could put in a zipper easily, but the buttons on the waistbands always became safety pins!
    Mother used to roll her eyes.
    were always safety pins

  5. Your piece captures a moment beautifully. Your faces always look haunting and mysterious. I remember my nano darning socks too. Tiny little stitches....must have taken hours. In a way it is a shame life has become to time starved to take pleasure in the small things.

  6. What a great gift this would be for a family member or friend who loves to sew!! Love it!

  7. I love your sew painting and also your memories of sewing.

  8. Love the sew painting Lisa! I'm not very good at sewing, but I do enjoy making crafty things. My mother was very good with a sewing machine and made most of my clothes when I was a kid. Love your blog background...very classic!

  9. She is just great. Love all the color play and pattern. xox

  10. Bonjour,

    Deux très jolies oeuvres. J'aime aussi les mots qui les accompagnent.
    Il est juste qu'aujourd'hui la couture tient une bien petite place par rapport à autrefois. Lorsque je me trouvais au collège la couture faisait partie des cours comme les cours de gym. Aujourd'hui il n'y a plus de cours de couture.
    Comme vous le dites si bien, qui raccommode ses chaussettes ?...

    Je vous fais de gros bisous ♡

  11. I never learned how to sew either, my fingers kind of get in the way, or I break the needle or something else strange, but I would so much have loved to be able to learn it, really ! This painting is gorgeous Lisa, I love how it tells a story , gives me so many associations, love it !
