Monday, October 14, 2019

Absorption in Variation

Absorption in Variation
oil on birch panel 12 x 16
 I have been doing small works on paper lately, but every now and then I feel the need to paint larger.  I can add so much more detail on a surface that is 9 x 12 inch or larger and over time I have learned that those little details are what I love most about painting.  Those little surprises added for the viewer are like hiding easter eggs at an easter egg hunt.  There was a time when I loved painting faces the most, but lately I have been more interested in adding less detail there and more in the surroundings, unless I am working on a portrait.



This scene is almost autobiographical.  My husband and I do position ourselves in these spots on the couch and our dog Hurley is usually asking for my attention (and getting it).  Vic never reads a newspaper (does anyone?), he is more of an internet reader, and am usually reading a book rather than staring off into space.  Though I DO do that from time to time! 

This room composition is based on a sketch of my living room.  Most of the furnishings and decor are added.  I do not own a fish lamp, but after painting this I would not mind having one!


  1. I love this so much--all the details!--and the newspaper is wonderful--not an easy thing to paint! Everything about this painting is wonderful!

    1. You are correct! The paper was difficult to paint. You have a great eye Janet! Thank you so much for your comment! xo

  2. What a perfect description "hiding Easter eggs"! I can explore your
    paintings on my wall and see new relationships every time. I also ove the abstracted view thru the window behind them.

    1. I am so so glad you are still enjoying your paintings Patty. I love that you noticed the view outside. Thank you so much!! xo

  3. I too love this piece, and agree that your work provides a wonderful Easter egg/scavenger hunt of details to inspire bits of stories in a viewer's imagination. I personally react to art as an emotional experience and seldom enjoy work that doesn't evoke that kind of response, no matter the technical skill involved.

    1. Thank you so much Lauren. I love the interior you painted in August. Your parrot was amazing too. Not easy!!!

  4. This is a wonderful painting and very satisfying to spend time exploring all the different aspects that are in it. You have a gift of storytelling without words, my friend.

  5. It is a lovely scene in all it's details Lisa.
    It can be hard to add little surprise on small pieces.
    Fun to consider that this is kind of a glimpse of your life.

    1. Thank you Tammie, I am so happy you stopped by to comment.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I cannot find your email, I went to contact you and I cannot get the email to go through. I had a few questions to ask you. My email is
    Thanks! Hope to speak soon!
