Friday, May 15, 2020

Flowers and What Happened to Blogger?

Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
oil on panel

I am painting more flowers lately.  It is such a great way to play with color and practice laying down the oil paint without having to think too much about form.  I am not a master, but I am learning.   I have been looking at a lot of art by Mary Fedden, Winifred Nicholson and Alice Mumford lately.  Some of the inspiration is seeping into my own art.  

I was going to make this a longer post and share more flower paintings, but Blogger has changed so much I am finding this barely usable.  So I am afraid I will sign off for now.  

You can still find me on Facebook, Instagram and Etsy under Lisa Graham Art.

Take care for now!  I hope you are well.  



  1. Very wonderful painting, bravo Lisa !!!

  2. I dip into blogging very rarely these days but I found Blogger is just the same as it always was. I love the speed of Instagram so I tend to be there most of the time. I love your new paintings Lisa!♥

  3. I switched to Wordpress. There’s a let’s I get curve for every endeavor! Love your work. Just bought my third piece! Create On!!Laura

  4. Excellent post. I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work…
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